Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More violence against people of white color

Robert Brundage, an older white gentleman, was punched in the head and left for dead, his bicycle stolen by a 15 year black thug about 6:30 pm, June 22 in Toledo, Ohio. He remains in critical condition and his outcome unpredictable.

What was predictable was the enabling, liberal response:"Mayor Carty Finkbeiner, who organized the vigil, said that the man affectionately known as "Dr. Bob" would have asked people to pray for young Jemison and to understand that "he had a bad moment, and we all have bad moments in our lives."

Toledo Mayor Says Black Thug Was Having A Bad Moment!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Biden in the dark

I drove my car (with my Beyond Babylon signs on it) to the site where Vice President Joe Biden was to speak in Perrysburg, Ohio and found most of the protesters were children, literally, holding signs in the very hot sun (I was reassured they were well hydrated). I'm not sure what their protest was about (if one of their leaders reads this, contact and let me know and I'll update this information).

After listening to some news reporter briefly interview Jon Stainbrook (chairman of the Lucas County Republican Party) about how he was passing out candles since Obama's energy plan will leave us in the dark, I handed them both one of my Beyond Babylon cards and said I was hoping Vice President Biden would shed some light on Obama's Birth Certificate since Obama has kept America in the dark about it and fails to open up with the American people and be transparent with his records.

Mr. Stainbrook sort of laughed and groaned, "Oh, no...not this again." To which I quickly replied, "Why? It's important and a Constitutional requirement for our president to be a natural born citizen. This Constitutional issue needs to be seriously addressed." He then sounded more conciliatory and said "Cheney's hunting friend is supposed to review it." I said it should've all been reviewed a long time ago. I believe Mr. Stainbrook was referring to Judge Scalia who informed Attorney Orly Taitz: "You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility case," as reported by WND.com.

Last but not least, I noticed some Arab-looking protesters, so I asked them what their signs and protest were all about and quickly discovered they were Iranians (not Arabs) and were grieved over the recent murder of a young lady named Neda - apparently by Iran's ruthless secret police. I told them I hope the best for Iran and Iranians and pray Iran becomes friendly to Jews and Israel like their ancient king Cyrus (who encouraged the Jews to return to Zion and build the Temple), and asked them how they pronounced his name in Farsi, which they shared with me.

Beyond Babylon at Rocky Mountain National Park

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Obama is dangerous

Friday, June 19, 2009

Reverse discrimination symptoms

Re: The Big Lie of Atzlan

La Raza, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, "affirmative action," and other symptoms of the curse of reverse discrimination filling the void left by White Israelites who have shamefully forgotten, woefully neglected or sinfully rejected Manifest Destiny must go or the United States is history.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Obama and Censorship

In China almost all media and news is owned by the state. If you were trying to view this article in China, the page would simply say “this webpage cannot be displayed.”

This Article Cannot be Viewed in China

Sadly, the United States under president usurper Soetoro/Obama appears headed in the dangerous direction of overprotective China.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is late

Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate
Radio giant clowns about president's similarities, differences with God

It is no joking matter that conservative cowards like Rush Limbaugh ENABLED the president usurper to play the American people for fools by failing to demand his long form birth certificate from get go. Now they complain about that which they helped to create: a Black day in America.

Watch Emperor Obama.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

American fascism

The documentary contains a lot of info about the tax system that you'll find interesting. Some of you may not have had the opportunity to watch it before.
I thought that it was time for you to see it...or to watch it again.

America: From Freedom to Fascism (part 1 of 11)


As with many things that people like Aaron Russo have said, most Americans didn't listen. It was just too crazy. After all...things like that ...just can't happen in America.

The problem is, that in the real world, things like that, and more...much more, are happening...in America.

Block out some time, grab a cold drink and some popcorn. ...and save the MilkDuds fer me.

As a part of a double feature, I also recommend, 'Obsession.'
A very enlightening film.

Warren "Bones" Bonesteel
Author and Researcher
55 Crestview Drive
Rapid City, SD 57701
(605) 348-2380

Monday, June 01, 2009


The Next American Revolution
by Warren "Bones" Bonesteel

In a military.com poll regarding Lt. Easterling's objections over Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president the last number is the one to focus on. For anywho who is in possession of a few basic facts and has an un-biased knowledge of American and world history, the outcome was very revealing. A government that doesn't have a unified standing military to back its power has no dictatorial power over the citizens of the nation it governs. You see, the argument has been made that if Obama is not Constitutionally qualified to be president, that we are no longer living in a constitutional democracy, let alone in a constitutional republic. Thus, the argument leads inevitably to one conclusion: we are effectively being ruled by a dictatorship. The social and political contracts are thus openly broken, null and void, and cannot be readily or peacefully repaired. In such a case, the only powers left to the government are those of force and of coercion. Without a unified standing military and/or a unified and militarized police force, such a government has no effective power over the population. With the first premise in place, the second premise is one of mere historical reality.

In the un-scientific military.com poll, 37% of the respondants are currently 'uncommitted.' Once the violence begins, they will be forced to make decision. Many of them will simply desert their posts and go home, as was the case in both The Revolutionary War and The Civil War. Others will leave their active-duty units, either legally or illegally, and join their home state's national guard units or create of join ad hoc militia units. Before all is said and done, I think that most of that 37% will jump on the Constitutional, anti-government bandwagon. That said, a significant percentage of that same 37% probably consist of the 'don't rock the boat' personalities. Which way any of them jumps will have a bearing on the potential outcomes of any peaceful or violent conflict that will arise as a result of the first two premises.

Also, if (when) another civil war begins in America, expect most of the fifty states to recall their national guard units from any deployment, providing that those units are able to arrange sufficient transportation. Those members of the regular reserves will also have some difficult choices to make.

Keep well in mind that the people who operate military.com lean well to the left of the political center. Like the Marine Corps Times, The Army Times, etc., they are privately owned and operated and their editors, their publishers, and most of their contributors, are comprised of left-leaning journalists. They alone initiated this poll about Lt. Easterling and framed the questions and bear responsibility for the results. Their questions were not based upon the known facts or upon the historical evidence, but the results are interesting, even so...
Click here to read more

Abortionists are terrorists!

Hitler Will Judge Us!
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.

Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
The cult of Choice is the worst symptom evident in society of the Hellenist disease. It sacrifices children upon the hedonistic altars of convenience and irresponsibility in an immoral and idolatrous way. It disguises itself as progressive and enlightened, but it is actually a dark throwback to the pagan rituals performed in the Valley of Hinnom: the holocaust of children that the prophet Jeremiah condemned (Jeremiah 7:31).
