Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nazi Muslims must go!

Israel:Arab Politician Support Iran's Nuke Program

That barking dog should be muzzled if not hung as a traitor. Meir Kahane was right when he warned Israel to remove the threat too many Arabs, especially the Nazi Muslims, present to innocent Jewish men, women, children, babies in strollers and even tourists in the Jewish homeland.

Lying Visions of Peace
Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways

Red Envelopes

I only found out about this today, so this is my show of support for such a noble project and pray it affect the hearts and minds of Americans and others worldwide who will become aware of these prayerful life-saving efforts that God will surely bless since, as the Talmud states: "Whoever saves a single life, saves a whole world."


Here are a few pro-life articles I've written, pleading on behalf of the preborn:

Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
The cult of Choice is the worst symptom evident in society of the Hellenist disease. It sacrifices children upon the hedonistic altars of convenience and irresponsibility in an immoral and idolatrous way. It disguises itself as progressive and enlightened, but it is actually a dark throwback to the pagan rituals performed in the Valley of Hinnom: the holocaust of children that the prophet Jeremiah condemned (Jeremiah 7:31).

Hitler Will Judge Us!
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tiny tin gods of the Potomac

Man critical of Obama case judge visited by marshals
'I told your Gestapo goons we had nothing to talk about'

Jesse Merrell told WND he was reacting to Judge James Robertson's decision to throw out a case challenging Obama's eligibility because the issue had been thoroughly "twittered."

Merrell sarcastically gave the judge a "good-for-you."
"How dare people use a flimsy thing like the Constitution to darken your sanctimonious door!" he wrote to the judge. "The insane idea that a blue-gum baboon slashing our Constitution has to prove U.S. citizenship – as our silly old Constitution demands – is too absurd to consider in the sacred chambers of the tiny tin gods of the Potomac, adorning the royal purple and sipping Jim Jones Kool-Aid.

"Thanks to smug, slimy shysters like you, Obama gets a free ride – snootily stomping on our foolish Constitution, which supercilious idiots like you have long ago shredded for their own stupid opinions!" Merrell continued in the letter, a copy of which he provided to WND. .. more

Friday, March 20, 2009

National defeat

Shape up or get shipped out!

God gives us what we want, but we usually don’t take Him seriously, UNTIL it’s too late! When the heat’s on and we feel the pressure, but still maintain our “innocence” and wonder what’s going on, God calls our bluff and lays it on the line: “Just as you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve aliens in a land that is not yours” (Jer. 5:19).

If British-Israel’s so captivated with TINSEL TRADITIONS, God lets their lies blind them: “But My people would not heed My voice, and Israel would have [nothing to do with Me]. So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels”—to follow their own advice and get a taste of their own medicine (Psalm 81:11-12).

Are we any different? Haven’t we also insisted on doing our own thing? Don’t we take pride in the “I did it my way” approach? “Just as they have chosen their own way, and their soul delights in their abominations, so will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them because when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight” (Isa. 66:3-4).

We’re going to be left alone! Just like we thought we wanted! But we’re going to find out how scary isolation can be!

Questionable Standards

Who isn’t an “a la carte” Christian or Jew? What church or synagogue wants God to order that they can only pick and choose from a “kosher menu?” What Christian today feels any shame for celebrating Christmas (shades of Saturnalia), or expresses heartfelt remorse over observing an Easter-sunrise service? (Ezek. 8:16). Who says we can now eat pork? Peter’s vision of the “unclean animals” was about GENTILES whom God had cleansed. Read his interpretation of it—after all, it was given to him to understand (Acts 10:28).

God’s people must accept GOD’S STANDARDS of good and evil, right and wrong, clean and unclean—but we’ve thrown everything in together and can’t seem to get things sorted out, having taken a liberty with God’s word and law that He hasn’t given us.

“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down, says the LORD” (Jer. 6:15).

God’s going to put us back in our place! We’re acting presumptuous when we follow man-made rules and regulations. We’re to follow GOD—if we want to live!

Abominable Christians

Professing Christianity—steeped in unscriptural ways—enjoys participating in every pagan abomination. They certainly don’t feel any guilt or see anything wrong with it—because they’re reprobate and blind! They don’t even realize their gall before God, who says He can’t stomach their ways! “So then, because you are lukewarm [useless], and neither cold nor hot [serve no definite purpose, as far as God’s concerned], I WILL VOMIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH” (Rev. 3:16).

God says He’s sick of our religious sins! He’s disgusted that those who should know better, who say that they’re in shape, are spiritually soft and flabby. They’re going to get a workout real soon to show them their pitiful condition: shape-up, or get shipped out—with all the other prisoners of war!

But no matter how hard some try to whitewash their ways, or camouflage their pagan practices with Christian-labels, they’re not fooling anybody but themselves: “For though you wash yourself with lye, and use much soap, yet your iniquity is marked before Me, says the Lord GOD. How can you say I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals?” (Jer. 2:22-23).

Jesus ISN’T Lord!

But we’ve followed false Christs! That’s why Jesus asked: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). Whether we realize it or not, too many have given their hearts to “another Jesus,” received “another spirit” and believed “another gospel” (2 Cor. 11:4).

How can professing Christians claim they’re following Jesus when He kept the seventh day Sabbath and they’re chasing after SUNday? Keep pagan holidays, when Jesus only celebrated God’s holy days? Believe you go to Heaven or Hell, when Christ taught the New Jerusalem will be established on Earth and the wicked will be destroyed? (Rev. 21:2,8). Eat pork and shrimp and lobster, when Christ would throw up at the thought? Weren’t we warned about those who would pull a fast one about the times and laws (Dan. 7:25)?

The Babylonian Whore

We can’t get away with the excuse that “everybody’s doing it.” We’re to get as far away as we can from those traditions that have led us astray. God says to run for your life (Jer. 51:9)! But some are still falling for Rome’s father figure!

The CATHOLIC WHORES have sold-out and bought the Babylonian lies—as promoted by that pimp, Simon Magus (Acts 8:9). Not to be outdone, the PROTESTANT PROSTITUTES strut their stuff, sacrificing purity for paganism, violating God’s laws for their lewd ways. Most Protestants know who the Babylonian whore of Revelation 17:5 is and loudly say so. What they don’t realize is that they’re condemning themselves also, because “LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER!” (Ezek. 16:44).

God’s not tricked by traditions, and isn’t sold on religious ideas! Jesus’ true followers aren’t defiled with deceit (Rev. 14:4-5). They’ve learned to be honest.

God doesn’t prostitute the truth to make it more palatable (Deut. 23:17-18). He’s not so “easy.” But traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, “…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness’” (Prov. 30:20).

TOO MANY CHRISTIANS ARE IN DENIAL! They sit down at Baal’s corner bar and grill and make a pig of themselves—eating unclean things! (Acts 15:29). But God’s not a slob! He doesn’t lower His standards or forget His values (Rev. 3:20). Think about it: Would Christ feel comfortable at your dinner table or worship services?

Jesus’ virgins resist peer pressure. They don’t give in for a SUNday dinner. But “Christianity” has cheapened itself! When God got wind of their ways, He blasted their rank religion and rejected it (Isa. 65:5). Their holier-than-thou attitude STINKS!

It gets God burning mad, and irritates Him to no end, that ministers keep screwing their members and twisting the truth! Shamefully, people prefer PERVERTED PREACHERS! Consenting Christians love their lies! They delight in deception! But God condemns their SPIRITUAL PREFERENCE as inexcusable!

Jesus even exposed certain cities of His day as worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and indicated that they would’ve repented given half a chance. He did state that their “day in court” would be better than those who had seen the Light and yet chose to remain in their traditional darkness (Matt. 11:20-24). Christ didn’t sanction their choice— He denounced their “alternative lifestyle.”

Idolatry and Immorality

God condemns our countries for IDOLATRY—not just for immorality! We’ve got to come to see, know and realize that God doesn’t go for us following traditions all starry-eyed. We’re supposed to be in love with God’s way and follow His commandments! We’ve got to get our priorities straight and stop putting our ways before God’s ways (Isa. 55:7-9, Ezek. 20:18-21).

If we stubbornly insist on observing pagan holidays, we’re nothing more than idol-worshippers! When we rebelliously reject God’s holy days, we’re worse than witches: “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Sam. 15:23).

Since we’ve rejected God’s word, He’s rejected us! Europe’s about to forcibly remove us from office! We’ve jeopardized our position as leader of the free world, and are already staggering, having lost our biblical balance—it’s only a matter of time before we fall!

It’s strange—but true! It’s actually the religious, the Christians and Jews, who are immoral! Because we’ve polluted our land with pluralism, flirted with foreigners and whored around with pagans, God’s going to let them have their way with us.

We’re going to be RAPED AND BEATEN! Our enemies are going to strip us bare and show us no mercy! They’re going to treat us like white trash! We haven’t kept ourselves for God, so we’ll be given to others. We’re going to be sent away (as slaves) in SHAME AND CONFUSION!

And, believe it or not, it’s our “trusted allies,” our “faithful friends,” who are going to commit this date rape! It’s our INTERNATIONAL LOVERS who’ll betray us (Ezek. 23).

(Excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Death to America?

Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

A Nation of Drunks and Whores

Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Optimist Pessimist

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Exposing Evil

“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” ―Psalm 94:16

Death to America?

A Nation of Drunks and Whores

Europe Nukes US!

BEYOND BABYLON warns we're going down and out due to our idolatry and immorality.

Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?
"Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God" (Isaiah 58).


Saturday, March 07, 2009

America abandoned

America the Beautiful

America the beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine,
choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain.

From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray.

We've kept God in our temples,
how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.

We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;
who throw reason out the door,

Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.

You think that God's not angry,
that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then, is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?

If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven;
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.

But, America the Beautiful,
If you don't -- then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.

Attributed to Judge Roy Moore and someone who remains anonymous

Hitler Will Judge Us!
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.

Ravaged by Weather and War
Thomas Jefferson was moved to remark: "My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!"

Thanksgiving: Attitude of Gratitude
"Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God...17 then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth...'

A Nation of Drunks and Whores
We’ve been living a lie and have loved to indulge in deception. “Don’t confuse me with the facts” has been our shameful attitude, and truth has been treated like some social outcast. Therefore, God threatens to use Europe to wake us up...

Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
BEYOND BABYLON warns we're going down and out due to our idolatry and immorality.

Death to America? (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Death to the American, British and Jewish peoples? Concentration camps for YOUR family and friends? Why would God permit Europe to defeat and deport us? Does He really hate the abominations of Christmas and Easter that much?

Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Death to America?

Death to the American, British and Jewish peoples? Concentration camps for YOUR family and friends? Why would God permit Europe to defeat and deport us? Does He really hate the abominations of Christmas and Easter that much?

Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?

A Nation of Drunks and Whores

Obama vs US

Barack Obama is no Eli Cohen

I've emailed and written Senators Sherrod Brown and George Voinovich, Representative Marcy Kaptur and others concerning apparent president usurper Obama, and only Senator Brown was professional enough to respond (albeit with an email that exposes ignorance of what it means to be a natural born citizen versus an American citizen). Senator Voinovich and Representative Marcy Kaptur have failed to fulfill their responsibility to address this legitimate question and Constitutional issue concerning Obama.

Emperor Obama has no clothes and the polluted mainstream media, as well as too many irresponsible politicians and officials, aid and abet his terrorism against our Constitution and his betrayal of We The People.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Eli Cohen, Our Man in Damascus, proves how it's possible for someone to infiltrate a country and advance among officials due to mass assumption he is legitimate due to extensive political and military connections.

Eli Cohen infiltrated Syria for good, helping to protect and preserve Israel; Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama (when did he legally change his name?) appears driven to destroy the United States, pursuing an evil agenda against the United States, indoctrinated in Black Liberation Theology for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred. Truth can stop him dead in his tracks, expose his fraud, and indict those who empowered his Big Lie and set us free. It's time for Spring cleaning - let's clean House!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Beyond Babylon warns of national captivity

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Military after Obama

Military officers from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are working with California attorney Orly Taitz and her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, citing a legal right established in British common law nearly 800 years ago and recognized by the U.S. Founding Fathers to demand documentation that may prove – or disprove – Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

More military officers demand eligibility proof

Monday, March 02, 2009


Emperor Obama

Why has Obama FAILED to prove he's a natural born citizen? Shame on conservative cowards who have FAILED to demand proof! This is further proof America is under a curse