Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism

Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism
Obama, as acting president, has authority to open his suspiciously sealed records.

I seriously doubt the reason the fraud and foreigner FAILS to produce proof he is a natural born citizen - not just a citizen - is due to fears of identity theft. Obama appears to be engaged in the greatest identity theft right now as a president usurper. He has incriminated himself. Obviously he has something to hide and won't open up to us legitimate American citizens - "We The People" - and disclose his original birth certificate.

Shame on the useful idiots who aid and abet Obama's terrorism against US, against our Constitution, against our Republic. America is under a curse and Obama's African coup is further proof of it.

Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!


Beyond Babylon


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall by David Ben-Ariel

Mr. Ben-Ariel clearly has a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel. His Israeli lawyer has stated that David's "future is linked with that of the Jews," and Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful says, "God has some special task" for him. His sacred bond with the land and people of Israel has been strengthened over the years by his service as a volunteer on eight kibbutzim (collective farms) throughout the Holy Land, including during Operation Desert Storm. As a firm believer in the Israelite roots and responsibilities of the Anglo-Saxons and Northwestern European peoples, David works towards the ultimate reconciliation and restoration of Joseph with Judah. As a student of biblical prophecy, he is alarmed about Germany and the Vatican's increasing control of the European continent, remodeling it after the Holy Roman Empire. As the outspoken author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, he is determined to do all he can to help wake up the world to the clear and present danger Germany poses to world peace, with a special emphasis on the Middle East.

East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall by David Ben-Ariel

Beyond Babylon (free to read online)

Beyond Babylon

Labels: ,

Monday, January 26, 2009

You deserve to know!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

None dare call it a coup

Obama's African Coup in America

How will the president usurper act when they come to take him away? When the Constitution is again upheld and the laws of this land he has shown contempt for enforced? The fraud and foreigner, the African Obama, aided and abetted by treacherous politicians, justices, and conservative cowards, has led a coup against the Constitution of the United States.

Usurper Obama's coup is a dark episode in our American history, a black day in America, but it will soon be history, as justice demands. If acting president Barack Hussein Obama is not a fraud and a foreigner, a usurper, let him prove he is a natural born citizen and settle this case once and for all. Otherwise he remains illegitimate and none of his decisions binding, but rendered null and void as unconstitutional.

Imagine the first presidential library where they refuse to show an original birth certificate but present a dubious copy or cheap certification! Obama's records in the United States and Kenya are SEALED. What's Obama hiding?

The Obama emperor has no clothes - and some of us won't let folks forget it! No justice, no peace. We'll cry aloud and spare not until the might of right prevails, so help us God.

Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!

The people "have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge-- I mean of the character and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams (1735-1826)

If Obama is the usurper he appears to be, America has a BIG PROBLEM - regardless of whether or not those who have been Obamatized grasp the seriousness of the situation or others (who amount to conservative cowards) are afraid to state the emperor has no clothes.

Either Obama is a legitimate natural born citizen or he is a president usurper who needs to be dealt with swiftly, as the law of the land demands.

Every legitimate American must write and/or call their *representatives and demand proof Obama is a natural born citizen.

"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

David Ben-Ariel

*Click here to contact your elected officials

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech

Geert Wilders embattled Dutch PVV leader
The International Free Press Society

Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech

For more information, contact:
Lars Hedegaard
President, IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
(301) 466-0248

January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.

Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.

Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.

The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.

It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.

As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders.To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.

To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at

We also urge defenders of free speech to sign this letter of protest against the Dutch Government

Lars Hedegaard
President of the IFPS
Diana West
Vice President

* * *

The International Free Press Society was established on January 1, 2009.

Read our Policy Statement here

The IFPS Board of Advisors

Asger Aamund
Bat Ye'or
Stephen Coughlin
Rachel Ehrenfeld
David Harris
Ole Hasselbalch
Hans Jansen
Ehsan Jami
Ibn Warraq
Philippe Karsenty
Roger Kimball
Ezra Levant
Andrew C. McCarthy
Nidra Poller
Kathy Shaidle
Roger Scruton
Robert Spencer
Mark Steyn
Allen West
Geert Wilders

The IFPS Board of Directors
Lars Hedegaard, President
Diana West, Vice President
Christine Brim. Secretary
Bjorn Larsen, Treasurer
Edward May, Outreach Coordinator
Paul Belien, Sergeant at Arms

Rush and Obama

Obama: unconscionable and unconstitutional?

Re: Obama Warns Republicans, Quit Listening To Rush Limbaugh If You Want To Get Things Done

Rush Limbaugh is one of those conservative cowards who FAILED to demand Obama prove he is a natural born citizen. It may come back to haunt such hypocrites if that fraud and foreigner, that president usurper, knocks them off the air. After all, the same Constitution that guarantees freedoms of speech and religion requires our president to be a natural born citizen.

We have seen no proof that Obama fulfills this Constitutional qualification of being a natural born citizen, and unconscionable Obama has failed to provide it, refuses to be open and honest - his records remain sealed - and therefore he rightly remains under a dark cloud of suspicion.

Illegitimate Obama appears to be an affirmative action president, plain and simple and unconstitutional.

David Ben-Ariel

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Black sites

The issue of "black sites" need to be addressed by competent people, and yet this fraud and foreigner, president usurper (show us your original birth certificate!) will do all he can to keep the abortion mills open and grinding? What an upside down world.

President Usurper Obama

Hitler Will Judge Us!
It used to be a country’s worst enemies who ripped up their pregnant women—now we’ve turned on ourselves. Don't abort our future: Think twice, choose life, let love grow.

Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
The cult of Choice is the worst symptom evident in society of the Hellenist disease. It sacrifices children upon the hedonistic altars of convenience and irresponsibility in an immoral and idolatrous way. It disguises itself as progressive and enlightened, but it is actually a dark throwback to the pagan rituals performed in the Valley of Hinnom: the holocaust of children that the prophet Jeremiah condemned (Jeremiah 7:31).

Will the Jerusalem Conference face Germany?

The German-EU threat to Israel

Re: 'Bogey' Ya'alon to Address 6th Jerusalem Conference Monday

1) Will the Jerusalem Conference address the threat the German-dominated EU poses to Israeli security? Will they beware Europe's NEW CRUSADE for peace in the Middle East, as driven by the bloody Vatican?

Jerusalem Under Siege!

2) Will the Jerusalem Conference demand the religious rights of Jews and Christians to worship upon the Temple Mount must be respected and protected?

Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount

3) Will the Jerusalem Conference recognize and embrace British Israelites as Joseph, hastening the process of redemption?

Joseph isn't Jewish!

4) Will the Jerusalem Conference hear the cries of Yitzhak Rabin's blood for justice and reopen the incriminating Rabin files, acknowledging Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body?

Shimon Peres Came to Power Over Rabin's Dead Body

5) Will the Jerusalem Conference demand an end to the ethnic cleansing of Jews and call for Israel to remove the Arab threat?

Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!

6) Will the Jerusalem Conference expose how corrupt and influential the Israeli oligarchy remains, slaves to their German-Jesuit EU masters?

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

7) Will the Jerusalem Conference lift the unjust ban against David Ben-Ariel who yearns to return to Zion?

Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


President Obama


A clever manipulation of minds and false associations with history doesn't bode well for intellectual honesty in the White House; the surprise is the African, the Kenyan, the fraud and foreigner, Obama has never produced proof he is a natural born citizen and still stole the election (with massive foreign aid and ACORN votes).

Woe to America for electing the BIG LIE! Delusions of Obama's grandeur are proof the United States is under a curse. The emperor has no clothes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is Obama a foreign plant?

President Usurper Obama,
Have you no fear of God? Do you consider yourself greater than Nimrod? Don't you know the Tower of Babel fell? That Satan was cast down from Heaven as a reject after lifting himself up so high?

President Usurper Obama,
Don't you know that according to the ethnocentric Bible (with its focus on the family of Jacob) you are a fraud and a foreigner - a Gentile - who has no right to occupy the White House? Not only because you've been proud and stubborn and failed to respect the legitimate concerns of Americans who demand proof you are a natural born citizen, showing contempt for our Constitution and those who hold it dear, but because Manifest Destiny decrees this a White Israelite country (that has blessed every color and creed willing to submit to that fact).

President Usurper Obama,
REPENT and resign, and return to Africa where you belong or be driven from office in God's good time with a plague upon your house.

A Bible-believing Christian and legitimate American,
David Ben-Ariel

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Radical Islamic Networks in America

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Ryan Mauro, the founder of He is currently a national security researcher for the Christian Action Network and a researcher for the Reform Party of Syria. A frequent guest on radio and TV programs, he is the author of Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq.

Radical Islamic Networks in America

Germany's Mexican allies

Mindful of dangerous German ambitions - does the Grand Design, the German Plan for World Domination, basically remain the same, with updates?

"No one had more spies in America than the German government. These operatives were wreaking havoc in a country that they desperately wanted to keep out of the war and Wilson was turning the other cheek. German U-Boats sank vessels with American passengers and Wilson lodged protests but kept his hope for peace alive. Several times there was a hint of Germany’s plans to incite Mexico to war with the US but Wilson single-mindedly looked past it. Showing their disrespect for these actions, Germany decided they must chance unconditional submarine warfare on shipping in the Atlantic in order to win the war.

This was to begin on 1 Feb 1917. In order to insure America could not retaliate in Europe, German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to the Mexican Government offering to give them Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if they would invade the United States. On 17 Jan 1917, Alfred Ewing’s Room 40 team deciphered it and gave the message to England’s Director of naval Intelligence, Sir William Hall. On 5 Feb 1917, they uncovered another dispatch from Zimmerman, directing Mexico to start implementing the plan immediately rather than waiting for the US to declare war. "

- The Zimmerman Telegram (Roger Saunders)

That was then, this is now...

Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists?
Will Providence permit foreign murderers in our midst (in attitude, if not yet in action) to unleash nuclear fires within our major cities? Will militant minorities work with them against us? Won't our British-Israelite brethren suffer the same within their respective biblical inheritances?

Is The Mexican Manifesto . . . Mein Kampf Revisited?

German arms to Gaza no good!

German Arms to Gaza

The news agency Reuters reported that a German shipping company is involved in arms deliveries for the war on Gaza. According to the report, a German ship took on an exceptionally voluminous cargo of US American combat material destined for the Israeli port Ashdod. A second delivery is currently being prepared. Because of its obvious connection to the war on Gaza, British military experts have characterized the shipments as "irregular." German participation draws attention to Berlin's arms exports to the Middle East, with which Germany has over the past few years been arming both Israel and several of the Arab states. German weapons have been helping to fuel the tensions that, from the outset, have been inflaming the region... Click here to read the rest


American cooperation with good Nazis is nothing new. Neither are dangerous German ambitions. The German leopard has not changed its spots, and the Assyrian eagles' talons are everywhere (as Herbert W. Armstrong warned they would be).

What's new is the Frankenstein Monster we've helped to create will destroy US, first betraying our Jewish brethren in Israel and then launching a nuclear blitzkrieg against us, aided and abetted by American and Jewish collaborators.

Jerusalem Under Siege!


Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jerusalem Beware Germany!

Tevet 10 is the fast day the Jews mourn King Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem that led to its desolation: the destruction of the Temple and the deportation of the Jews. (I was actually born on Tevet 10 - January 10, 1960).

By the grace of God, there's a FULL PAGE AD in the Jewish Voice and Opinion (this month of Tevet) warning its Jewish audience that a German-led Europe will wage a New Crusade to enforce the Vatican's version of peace - that Babylon has begun its new siege against Jerusalem:



The FULL PAGE AD (on page 17) proceeds to direct them to Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall where my beliefs are on public record.

Download the January 2009 issue PDF here!
The Jewish Voice and Opinion speaks out forcefully and unashamedly for the unique concerns of what we have termed "classical Judaism." As a politically conservative Jewish publication, we take as our mission to present news and feature articles not generally available elsewhere in the Jewish or secular media.

Now in its 23th year, The Jewish Voice and Opinion has been influential in religious and political circles throughout the United States, Israel, and elsewhere. It is often quoted and reprinted. It has been admired, feared, often debated, but never ignored.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Obama Commercial THEY Won't Let You See

Supremes to Take Up Eligibility Again

Fox, CNN, MSNBC and others refuse ads questioning Obama's eligibility

On Friday, January 16, a conference is scheduled at the U.S. Supreme Court during which justices will consider behind closed doors—again—taking up a case that could finally put to rest the questions about whether President-elect Barack Obama qualifies to occupy the Oval Office under the Constitution's requirement that he be a "natural born" citizen.This is your last chance to be heard before the Inauguration!

Watch the Video

Lingering questions continue to leave a cloud over the impending presidency of a man whose relatives have reported he was born in Kenya and who has decided, for whatever reason, not to release a bona fide copy of his original birth certificate in its complete form.

When WND columnist Janet Porter when tried to purchase airtime for a 60-second commerical publicizing the eligibility issue, CNBC, MSNBC, Headline News, CNN and Fox all refused to sell her airtime. The ad to be broadcast is available on YouTube. Janet—who was trying to buy airtime on behalf of her organization,—recently raised some of the more significant impacts that could result should eligibility questions continue without answers:

"What if an impostor from another country ran for the presidency and won?" she questioned. "What if the media blocked any news of his birthplace and citizenship? What if the media censorship even blocked paid advertising which tried to expose it?

"What if no one had the courage to challenge or verify it? What if he was inaugurated illegally? What if the military had to answer to a commander in chief who was illegitimate? What if every law he signed was invalid?"

And, she wonders, "What if it all happened on our watch?"
Here's How YOU Can Help:

You can make sure the Supreme Court justices have a piece of your mind when they review a case on Friday, Jan. 16 that challenges the eligibility of Barack Obama under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Because the Supreme Court justices do not accept faxes or emails or telephone calls, there is only one way to make your voice heard in time — overnight delivery of your letters.

In December, a similar WND campaign sent more than 60,000 letters by overnight courier to the nine Supreme Court justices.

To make the process of writing to each of the nine justices simpler, more convenient and less expensive, WND has an easy way to FedEx the following letter sent on your behalf to each justice in time for this Friday's hearing:

Click Here to Rush Deliver This Letter to
All NINE Supreme Court Justices

Of course, you are welcome to send your own FedEx letters to each of the justices, but it will cost you substantially more. We will send your letter overnight to all nine justices and ensure delivery by Friday for just $9.95.

YES! Send my feedback to all NINE Supreme Court justices

Click Here to Get Started

P.S. In order to meet tight delivery deadlines, all pledges should be made by 1:00PM ET on Wednesday, January 14, 2008.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Dangerous German Ambitions

As timely now (if not more), as then, consider these quotes:

Germany - an emerging superpower? Comparisons with the 1930s
Sara Moore [The European Journal, May 2008]
Having previously written two major books, Peace without Victory for the Allies 1918-1932 and How Hitler came to Power, Sara Moore offers some valuable insights into Germany as an emerging superpower through drawing comparisons with German power in the 1930s.
In 1994 President Clinton prophesied that Germany would be Europe’s future leader. In the Middle Ages she had been leader of the Holy Roman Empire, which encompassed much of Europe. Later, before the First World War, the Pan German League aimed at creating an empire of all the Germanic peoples under Prussian leadership, which would include all the nations in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also Switzerland, Holland and Belgium and Romania because of her strategic position at the mouth of the Danube. The empire would be bound together first by a customs union, which would prepare the way for the creation of community-wide legal and political institutions. Eventually a Nationalstaat would come into being ‘impelled by the logic of ethnic solidarity, economic pressure, and should it prove necessary, military force’.

Beyond the Treaty, Germany,who stayed firmly in the driving seat during the discussions leading up to the Lisbon Treaty, is now alleged to have ambitions to create a superpower in Europe, with military power and control over taxation. One worries that if things do not go her way she could revert to her old idea of a Germanic empire, which would divide Europe and fragment nations.

As Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall warns its readers: Germany has never surrendered its dream of world domination. Beyond Babylon reveals how Germany's grand design, its politico-religious ambitions, will soon become the world's worst nightmare. Beyond Babylon exposes the intoxicating influence of the Jesuits upon the German mind, and how the Vatican will soon promote Germany to enforce their Pax Romana upon the world, igniting WWIII - based upon the two witnesses of biblical prophecy and history, as Herbert W. Armstrong testified for years.

Germany Behind the Mask

The EU is a German Ruse

Is Germany in Danger of Backsliding?

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World

Will The Atlantic Times address the German threat?

Is a World Dictator About to Appear?

The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace

Friday, January 02, 2009


The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! If you don't believe me, conduct your own survey and see for yourself. That means something isn't kosher! Something needs to be done differently, more effectively, doesn't it?

That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.

A Household Word

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Europe's New Crusade

I placed this full page ad in The Toledo City Paper, warning about Europe's new crusade for "peace." European "peacekeepers," wolves in sheep's clothing, will brutally betray both Arabs and Jews and seize Jerusalem for the Vatican, especially the coveted Temple Mount.

The German-Jesuit EU will undoubtedly exploit UN Resolution 181 and impose "peace" upon the Middle East and go after the world, targeting the British-Israelite nations. Thankfully, two outspoken men will take the stand in Jerusalem and face the nations and testify: the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation is a counterfeit kingdom of God - to be destroyed by the return of the King.


Living Church of God: Commentary
Commentary: Violence
Our world is awash in violence. Consider the California man dressed as Santa and accused of a murderous shooting spree. Police report that he began by shooting an innocent eight-year-old girl in the face and then shot at least nine people before killing himself (, December 25, 2008). Click here to read more.