Israeli negotiations with the Vatican over Temple treasures?
Worldwide interest is growing in the holy issue of the Temple treasures and Jewish manuscripts currently held hostage by the Vatican.
Re: Sue Vatican for Temple Treasures
The Vatican has no right to retain the Temple treasures now that the Jewish Homeland has been revived, as prophesied (contrary to accursed replacement theology), and it is incumbent upon the Jews to build the Third Temple in which the Temple treasures can serve their God-ordained and consecrated purpose.
Perhaps Israel must enlist the best Jewish lawyers, with the blessings of God, and sue the Vatican if it insists on being proud and stubborn by resisting the Word and Will of God.
"Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." The pope is playing both God and Caesar and needs to be brought down to Earth like Nebuchadnezzar was, and whose history lesson Belshazzar failed to learn from and lost his kingdom as a consequence. Is Rome's destruction imminent?
The Temple treasures are not the rightful property of the Vatican. For the Vatican to cruelly keep the Temple treasures held hostage in Rome, isn't too Christian. They must be returned to where they belong: Jerusalem.
From The History Channel Forum:
youngstown wrote:
David: That's like a wife sueing a husband for a portion of the lottery winnings.....all she should do is take him to bed and be nice to him. Yellin don't get the job done.
My response:
Too many Jews have had illicit relationships with the Vatican, being overly nice, kissing butt, and all it got them was a one knight(hood) stand.![]:)](
It's past time for Jews to regain their composure, self-respect and dignity that has been lost, and act accordingly.
The Vatican and its Friends are Not Your Friends
The oligarchy that runs Israel are subcontractors for Nato-Rome/EU.
Prof. Eugene Narrett
SHmuel HaLevi
Radio Free Israel
Eretz Israel
Radio Free Israel
Shmuel HaLevi is a Jew, Father, Grandfather, Husband, Teacher, "Gaucho", radio aficionado and Senior Engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense Avionic Programs who was worked on combat aircraft from the F-16 to the B-2 and from the F-15 to the F-117 to the A.V.-8 and A.H.-64, C-17, C.O.H.-58, C-130 and A.T.F. A (seldom used) Consultant for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Mr. HaLevi is a U.S. D.o.D. Certified Trainer and Graduation Officer for the Israeli Ministry of Education, writer for the University of Tel Aviv Technology Center, Quality Assurance Engineer and patents holder. Presently, Mr. HaLevi serves as the Laboratory equipment technologist supporting key foreign equipment manufacturers.
Worldwide interest is growing in the holy issue of the Temple treasures and Jewish manuscripts currently held hostage by the Vatican.
Re: Sue Vatican for Temple Treasures
The Vatican has no right to retain the Temple treasures now that the Jewish Homeland has been revived, as prophesied (contrary to accursed replacement theology), and it is incumbent upon the Jews to build the Third Temple in which the Temple treasures can serve their God-ordained and consecrated purpose.
Perhaps Israel must enlist the best Jewish lawyers, with the blessings of God, and sue the Vatican if it insists on being proud and stubborn by resisting the Word and Will of God.
"Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." The pope is playing both God and Caesar and needs to be brought down to Earth like Nebuchadnezzar was, and whose history lesson Belshazzar failed to learn from and lost his kingdom as a consequence. Is Rome's destruction imminent?
The Temple treasures are not the rightful property of the Vatican. For the Vatican to cruelly keep the Temple treasures held hostage in Rome, isn't too Christian. They must be returned to where they belong: Jerusalem.
From The History Channel Forum:
youngstown wrote:
David: That's like a wife sueing a husband for a portion of the lottery winnings.....all she should do is take him to bed and be nice to him. Yellin don't get the job done.

My response:
Too many Jews have had illicit relationships with the Vatican, being overly nice, kissing butt, and all it got them was a one knight(hood) stand.
It's past time for Jews to regain their composure, self-respect and dignity that has been lost, and act accordingly.
The Vatican and its Friends are Not Your Friends
The oligarchy that runs Israel are subcontractors for Nato-Rome/EU.
Prof. Eugene Narrett
There are many ways to convey a message and lawyers are not necessarily the sole avenue.
Rome used deadly force to steal and destroy here and we do not advocate that unless of course anyone intends to do that to our people again. That is in relation with foreign murderers. Our own crop is a completely different kettle of fish.
Negotiations with the Vatican is the best way.
The Vatican can be given options they will appreciate to have I am sure.
One of them is of course they keeping Vatican icons in Eretz Israel... if they return to us what they have usurped from our property.
That does not mean necessarily denying access to Christian Pilgrims until such time when what the Vatican holds of ours is returned to us, but rather assuming control over said locations for the duration of the negotiations.
Our problem is not with our Christian friends and co travelers but with the Vatican itself.
That of course requires real JEWISH leadership, not the trash up there now.
SHmuel HaLevi
Radio Free Israel
Eretz Israel
Radio Free Israel
Shmuel HaLevi is a Jew, Father, Grandfather, Husband, Teacher, "Gaucho", radio aficionado and Senior Engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense Avionic Programs who was worked on combat aircraft from the F-16 to the B-2 and from the F-15 to the F-117 to the A.V.-8 and A.H.-64, C-17, C.O.H.-58, C-130 and A.T.F. A (seldom used) Consultant for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Mr. HaLevi is a U.S. D.o.D. Certified Trainer and Graduation Officer for the Israeli Ministry of Education, writer for the University of Tel Aviv Technology Center, Quality Assurance Engineer and patents holder. Presently, Mr. HaLevi serves as the Laboratory equipment technologist supporting key foreign equipment manufacturers.
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