From Adam to Adamses
Every family has its black sheep, eh? 
That means we're not direct descendants, but related.
We had at least one indentured servant that I'm aware of, Mary Mull, who came from Ireland. Yes, the descendants of Joseph have prospered as Providence planned.
Joseph isn't Jewish!
Looking at history, how could an honest white person not be a white supremacist? Are you one of those ignorant souls who think all cultures are equal?
The White Man's Burden continues today, but now that we're no longer administering our promised lands, our biblical inheritances to the far ends of the Earth, we've given them "independence" - we should cease and desist from throwing good money after bad into the black hole of Africa (and elsewhere) with nothing to show for it.
Aid for Africa?
All the great men and women at the height of the British Empire were proper white supremacists, filled with meaning and purpose and clarity of mind and vision - from Cecil Rhodes to Queen Victoria to Rudyard Kipling. They would pity the fools today who pretend otherwise, who have been dumbed down and who disgrace their race to be "equal" to others who were not instrumental in bringing civilization to the world.
Israel in the Isles
So you're in denial and self-righteous and obviously then have a problem with the Bible, that ethnocentric book, and with God and Jesus Christ who sends the gospel first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Excellent. However, if the PC fascists had their way, you would have to burn such works of wonderful white supremacist men and prove you're not a "racist" by renaming everything after frauds like Martin Luther King and distort history to placate their humanist god.
You will have to go all the way and denounce our founding fathers. Are you prepared to do so? The PC cultists are leading us down that dark path of self-destruction and won't settle for apologies - they want to strip us bare and demand special rights (based upon the color of their skin rather than the content of their character or qualifications) under guise of equality and useful white idiots are empowering them, enabling their madness to curse us all and ruin our respective countries.
A Warning for America from South Africa
South Africa under Black Misrule to Revise History
God-given in that it was an answered prayer, as related within God-Given Names. I was born David A. Hoover on January 10, 1960 in Bowling Green, Ohio. However, I legally changed my name to David Ben-Ariel (with the help of my Jewish lawyer) during the Spring of 1989.
German-American Israelites?
Not when you understand how it is an answered prayer, and recognize the Israelite origins, the Hebrew roots, of the West.
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
It appears you've fallen for that PC "light-bringer" with his self-righteous ideas that don't square with the Scripture, whereas I base my beliefs upon the black and white of the Word of God.
Should Christians Judge?
Are you going to vote for Obama to prove how "racist" you're not? Obama and his deceitful kind are extorting white guilt for all it's worth.
President Barack Obama sound good to you?
If you're a veteran, have you seen the WWII memorial in Washington, DC? I was just there for the Cherry Blossom Festival and thought of my great uncles, the Orts, who fought in the Pacific.

don't know what you mean by collateral, in terms of relationships |
My family, indentured servants when they came to the "New World", intermarried with the Adamses, and prospered. Abigail is my several-greats aunt. |
Joseph isn't Jewish!
Rudyard Kipling, a white supremacist and English imperialist, wrote "White Man's Burden". |
The White Man's Burden continues today, but now that we're no longer administering our promised lands, our biblical inheritances to the far ends of the Earth, we've given them "independence" - we should cease and desist from throwing good money after bad into the black hole of Africa (and elsewhere) with nothing to show for it.
Aid for Africa?
All the great men and women at the height of the British Empire were proper white supremacists, filled with meaning and purpose and clarity of mind and vision - from Cecil Rhodes to Queen Victoria to Rudyard Kipling. They would pity the fools today who pretend otherwise, who have been dumbed down and who disgrace their race to be "equal" to others who were not instrumental in bringing civilization to the world.
Israel in the Isles
And as a human being, I repudiate it |
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
I have read everything Kipling ever published. His complete works sit on my bookshelf. |
You will have to go all the way and denounce our founding fathers. Are you prepared to do so? The PC cultists are leading us down that dark path of self-destruction and won't settle for apologies - they want to strip us bare and demand special rights (based upon the color of their skin rather than the content of their character or qualifications) under guise of equality and useful white idiots are empowering them, enabling their madness to curse us all and ruin our respective countries.
A Warning for America from South Africa
South Africa under Black Misrule to Revise History
I'm curious: is your family name really Ben-Ariel? You say "God-given". |
German-American Israelites?
But what a strange name for someone who is, or was, not Jewish. |
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
May God strike that beam from your eye that causes you to believe that people with one color skin should rule, and those with another color should submit (cheerfully, I suppose you think). May God enlighten you! |
Should Christians Judge?
Are you going to vote for Obama to prove how "racist" you're not? Obama and his deceitful kind are extorting white guilt for all it's worth.
President Barack Obama sound good to you?
If you're a veteran, have you seen the WWII memorial in Washington, DC? I was just there for the Cherry Blossom Festival and thought of my great uncles, the Orts, who fought in the Pacific.
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