Why Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by the Left
Yitzhak Rabin didn't want to go further with leftist plans to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem (where he was born), was against an accursed state of "Palestine," started attending private Bible studies (heresy to the secular swine!), and was a sacrifice to the occultic German-Jesuit masters, knowing they could abuse his corpse to further their "peace" plans by blaming the opposition - which is what they were doing, until folks caught on to their big lie and it's backfired on them.
Those who have seriously researched this issue know the facts - not a conspiracy theory, but FACTS - remain that Yigal Amir was a Shabak stooge, goaded into a staged assassination attempt against Yitzhak Rabin by Shabak, by the Israeli government agent provocateur AVISHAI RAVIV.
Avishai Raviv - Eyal - and Yitzhak Rabin
The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
Shimon Peres is "an indefatigable subversive"
Shimon Peres Charged with the Murder of Yitzhak Rabin?
Avishai Raviv - Eyal - and Yitzhak Rabin
The Yitzhak Rabin Murder Video (the Kempler Video)
Shimon Peres is "an indefatigable subversive"
Shimon Peres Charged with the Murder of Yitzhak Rabin?
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