Monday, March 26, 2007

EU weakens own identity by ignoring Christianity, warns Pope

EU weakens own identity by ignoring Christianity, warns Pope

26.03.2007 - 09:29 CET | By Lucia Kubosova
EUOBSERVER / ROME - Pope Benedict XVI has criticised EU leaders for ignoring Christianity in their reflections over the union's 50th birthday and warned about demographic trends that put Europe's future at risk.
As a Frenchman, who wisely voted against the EU Constitution, brought to my attention:
"Ben veng'a il mal sé ben mi porta" from the Medici period....Welcome Evil if it brings me Good (a close translation).
The lesser of two evils is still evil. When Europe reverts to the bloody Roman Catholic Cross against the Muslim Crescent (bad moon rising) - which they will when their back is against the wall - they'll think they've found a savior but will get enslaved to its Babylonish system instead. Europeans will exchange the Muslims for the MARK.


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